10 Photos Proving That Hens Are The Best Moms In The Animal Kingdom

10 Photos Proving That Hens Are The Best Moms In The Animal Kingdom

1. Hen And Dog

2. Hen Taking Care Of Kittens During Storm

3. Hen And Her Kittens

4. Mother Hen And Her Pigeons

5. Hilda The Hen Hatches Clutch Of Ducklings After Sitting On Wrong Nest And Now They’re Her Babies

6. My Cat Had Kittens In The Chicken Coop. When She Is Away, A Nesting Hen Babysits For Her
7. Piglet And Mother Hen

8. Gertrud The Chicken Adopted American Rhea Chicks

9. Hen And Her Adopted Litter Of Puppies

10. Hen And Her Kittens


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