Minks Are Being Violently Killed For Fake Eyelashes Sold at Sephora and Other Retailers

Minks Are Being Violently Killed For Fake Eyelashes Sold at Sephora and Other Retailers

Do you know if your luring lashes are mink?

Minks, are being held captive in terrible conditions, so their fur can be glued onto fake eyelashes for a “fuller, more thicker look.”

Mink furs historically have been the most popular furs in the world, but you may be surprised to learn they’re lurking in your fake lashes. Many mink eyelash brands – most of which are carried by Sephora – market their products as “cruelty-free,” “ethically sourced,” or “free-range.”

However, animal rights groups like PETA say that there is no such thing as cruelty-free mink:

The idea that minks can be raised ethically on a farm is a contradiction, the organization say. They’re an aggressive, territorial solitary animal and would fight each other if they were put in a “free-range” farm. So caging is necessary.

These “ethically-sourced” farms jam minks into tiny, wire cages, while denying them adequate food, water and medical care.

Lined up in stacks of cages, they live out their lives trapped in unsanitary conditions before meeting their fate in a gas chamber.

If they’re not gassed to death, they’re electrocuted, bludgeoned, or their necks are broken.

If they’re still breathing after the attempted murder, their skin and fur are still stripped from their conscious body.

Avoid the following fake eyelash brands to make sure you’re not supporting this horrific industry:

Cosmetic Laser Clinic
Flirty Lashes
Klepki Lashes
Lash Bar Australia
Lash House
The Lash Store
Velour Lashes by Redefining Beauty


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