A caring baby monkey tried very hard to put a tiny duckling to sleep

A caring baby monkey tried very hard to put a tiny duckling to sleep

There are many stories about true friendship in the animal world. Usually representatives of the same species are very good friends, but sometimes there are exceptions. 

It turns out that even completely different types of animals can be very strong friends.
The monkey carefully pulled something out of duck feathers, stroked it, hugged it and lay down next to it. 

Maybe she thought the duckling wanted to sleep, but no. She was so careful and gentle with the little bird. 

The monkey didn’t just take care of the duckling, she took care of him.
After a few minutes, the duck settled herself comfortably, closed her eyes, and fell asleep. Even though the monkey was a baby herself, she did a great job putting her best friend to bed! 

After that, the duckling began to trust her completely. They began to walk, eat, relax and play together.
They became best friends and this story is proof that different kinds of animals can be perfect friends too! You can see that they both have a great time together. 

 Check out the video below:
 What an unusual and sweet friendship!

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