Man Spots 'Dead' Sea Turtle Trapped On Land And Brings Her Back To Life

Man Spots 'Dead' Sea Turtle Trapped On Land And Brings Her Back To Life

Miguel Angel Escobar spent time on the boat with his family. Everything was fine until one moment. 

That was the moment they saw the unfortunate turtle. She was trapped and helpless.
As Miguel told The Dodo, he thought the turtle was dead. It is obvious that the turtle felt that its life was over. 

However, Miguel moved closer to see for himself.
Even as he approached, the turtle did not move. It was only after Miguel touched her that the turtle showed signs of life. 

After that, this wonderful man started rescuing the unfortunate animal. After a lot of work and effort, he managed to free the turtle. The animal, which even lost hope for life, now has a new chance. All thanks to this man with a big heart. 

After her release, she did not stay on the coast for long. She couldn’t wait to get into the water and swim away.
Miguel is very happy and proud to have given the unfortunate turtle a new chance at life.


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