Watch tourist left frozen as wild cheetah jumps into his safari car

Watch tourist left frozen as wild cheetah jumps into his safari car

It is certainly the desire of every safari-goer to see these magnificent animals up close. Still, seeing a cheetah next to you, and you didn’t expect it, isn’t at all pleasant. 

This is what these tourists experienced when one amazing animal decided to jump into their jeep. It is really not a pleasant situation to be near such animals. This terrifying scene was captured on camera.
Peter Heistein

Peter Heistein and Britton Hayes were the guides of these tourists through the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. Britton is actually Peter’s stepson. He felt very upset when this big animal approached him. During that time, Peter filmed everything with a camera. 

Britton told Komo News that the animal approached to make sure no one wanted to harm her. This happened while tourists were watching other cheetahs. Then one of them jumped into the jeep. For Britton, this was really disturbing, but he remained calm regardless of the situation. 

This situation did not last long, yet Britton would probably disagree. He is happy to have managed to stay calm throughout this terrifying situation.
Britton said it was definitely one of the scariest situations for him ever. As one might assume, fear was present. Still, everything went well and no one was hurt. 

He himself does not believe that everything went well and that the moment ended in a good way. Tourists could not believe what was happening. 

Watch the incredibly frightening situation in this video:

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