Here's some funny pictures of dogs and cats that managed to get stuck but are totally trying to play it off like they did it on purpose...
A group of volunteers at the Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary rescued bunch of little ducklings. After spending some time with them they realized that the birds had never been in the water before. Instead of getting the love and care they needed the hoarder who had them in pens without adequate access to water or food. So, with a lot of rehabilitation, the ducks get their first taste of life in a pond. But the rick is the rescuers have to get them to go into the water…
I love how some of the ducks react! Share this uplifting video with your friends and family!
A humpback whale approached their boat and stuck her eye out of the water, looking directly at them. That’s when they realized she needed help.
A man jumped in the water to find her entangled in crab nets. What happened at the end is something he’ll never forget.